

Racing Tanks! (2018-2023)

Racing Tanks! is a local multiplayer game for two people. Each player controls one of the two characters: Darkar and Skyty. Both players are in a random generated maze, in which your objective is to reach the goal as fast as you can before your opponent does.

Both tanks can shoot a limited amount of bullets (which is different between the two characters) and can place a certain amount of bombs which can be used to damage your opponent, reflect their bullets or destroy walls to open your way to the goal. There are 5 different game modes.

I developed all the game by myself, excluding the music which was made by Nacho Mañá, most of the sound effects and all the text fonts.

I wanted my first professional video game to be simple, so it could be something that I could finish all by myself yet something fun to play with friends.

I developed the game intermittently from sometime around 2018 (being 13 years old) to 2023 (being 18 years old), pausing the development multiple times because of school and studies.

The development of the game began with the character and gameplay design, and spent the first two years learning how to program in the Unity Game Engine. On July 7th of 2020 I released the first public ALPHA of the game with the core gameplay/idea. I spent the next three years fixing and adding new mechanics to the game such as new game modes, truly random generated labyrinths (in the beginning it used premade labyrinths with a seed system), an AI system to make a bot to play against it in a single-player mode, along with making the graphical assets be more colourful and decent to not look like a 2003 flash game.

The first complete version of the game was released on July 7th of 2023, marking exactly three years after the first public prototype and something around five years since it began development.

Unnamed project 1

A short depressive/psychological horror visual novel inspired in DDLC.

It may or may not be released.

Unrevealed project 1

A local party multiplayer game for two-four people.
It may or may not be released.


SmartGlasses (2018-2024)

A device similar to the Google Glasses or Dragon Ball Z Scouters made with an ESP32.

In the future, it is intended to release the code as an Open-Source project along with the schematics to build the hardware.

It may or may not be released.



I have a Spanish YouTube Channel in which I share the development of my games, other personal projects and some helpful tips to try to make your projects better with my experience. 


I have a Spanish/No commentary Twitch Channel, in which I usually play (Tetris) in the competitive mode or work in something related to game development.

Currently, the channel has no schedule and is mostly inactive.